Outcasts TV show


I’ve been catching up on my tv shows… To do it faster, I’ve been choosing mini series, however this one show, with only eight episodes managed to jump into my radar and I just could not let it speed through without learning more about it.
You see, this is not a mini series, but one of those shows that gets canceled after a bunch of episodes, because ratings are just not cutting it for the execs.
The thing is, a show about the human race trying to make it, after corrupting their own planet, in a new one, discovered within a godly locks zone, five spaceship travel years away, sounds just like my kind of tune, so I couldn’t just ignore it… I tried, by the way… and it just didn’t work.
The first few episodes, might have been what I describe as: meh *shrug*, but the fact is I got hooked pretty soon after, and it was sensational.
Since the show had been canceled, I tried to find some feedback as to why, and it turns out that the ratings just weren’t making it, but what really got me were the brutal reviews that talked about this show as if it were complete rubbish.
Well I just couldn’t let this be!
To me, the show read as believable and realist, well not as realistic as this could be happening today, but realistic in the sense that this could very well happen, and is pretty much how our species would act.
Everything from the scenery, (very low tech and colony like), to the very few high tech gadgets just got to you to the point that you could really believe somewhere in the future this was possible. But what made the show, for me, were the constant emotional gut ranching moments that always managed to bring a tear to my eye.
Altogether, and though it leaves you right when it’s about to get better, it is a show you don’t want to miss.

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